Wednesday, October 5, 2011




Theoretical Particle astroscientist.


In ancient times People were not aware of Laws of Unification Science,therfore Science faced different Drawbacks.With these Drawbacks medival Scientists also developped Science and Technology.This lead them to be satisfied with surfacial reasons without understanding the Depth of Science.The same cultivated upto De’siiter’s time.Here Einstein and De’sitter tried their level best to put a Universe Model based on Laws of Unification Science.At that time they were on the basis of approximate Laws instead of Absolute values for Parameters in Science.This lead them to suffer different Drawbacks to their Model of Universe.

During 1997 to 1999 I tried to build a Model of Universe based on Uncertainty relations and onwards completed.During 2003 to 2005 I tried to Complete Universe Models based on Unification Laws.I built two Universe Models based on Unification Laws.These Models are presently Theoretically valid and valid with indirect Experiments.

Unification Science starts with Observation of a Body as Action body or Reaction body.If one body is considered then Dimension of that Body is Action 1D,here 1D means r,m,t,angle at a time.Here all these are vectorial in nature.Vectorial Dimensions play important Role in Accurate Science.But medival Science and Technology and upto today most of the People uses Component Dimensions.This is a serious Drawback.These Drawbacks simply produces unwanted effects during Research works.Another types of 1D are Reaction 1D,Action and reaction 1D,Action as reaction 1D.Thus there are four types of 1D.Most of the events which were already created are 1D events in vast infinite Universe.However certain events are there,that is if you compare these events with 1D then they falls under 4D events.For example Electron is an example of Action 1D object ,if you compare it to Proton then Proton is a 4D object.This is cleared from the absolute Densities of Electron and Proton.

Laws of Unification are very simple.Thanks to Parameter like Velocity of Light C,which gives most of the information regarding Velocity,space,time and nature of Motion.This was not eveident during the time of De’sitter.But with My inventions on Transformation Constants like 48 Transformation Constants,Problems of Unification Science completely solved.C=1 is a type of transformation constant which was originally used by De’sitter.This constant C solves the problems in Spin of any Body in Universe.As an example for this is Brightness of Supernova.Seeing the more Brightness one can guess its Temprature as million times that of Sun.But it is not the case.Here one should use Transfomation Constant to account for Brightness calcualtion from Matter to Radiation and Radiation to matter,Energy to Radiation and Radiation to Energy.If not you may approach Temprature which were not possible in Universe.For example Tempratures of the order 10^12K are very rare.At tempratures 10^5K high temprature Unification starts and leads to Dark spot creation.The same is true at tempratures 10^10K were chances of creation of Dark spots increases very rapidly.This will not allow the star to attain Temprature of the order 10^10K.Star becomes Black star.

Such types of Phenomenon needs Transformation Constants,where they are not using by most of the Scientists including Noble winners.

Thanks to the diversity nature of Science were different Scientists involve with different works.Models awarded by Noble Comittee may or may not be Ideal for others.Nearly fifty Noble Prizes awarded from Noble Comittee are facing Draw backs and are not fitting with Precise Science.This indicates that Science from Noble comittee may not be always Ideal for others.

4 Dimensional(12 action component dimensions and 12 reaction component diemnsions at different times) Science which gives most of usefull results never be isolated from 1Dimensional Science.

One Dimensional(m=r=t=angle)Science Laws uses Main Equation like F=G=h=C with 48 Transformation Constants and basic relation like r=m=t=angle.

Main Equation it self suggest that Electric,Magnetic and Gravitational forces as basic forces in Nature,such that five forces of Universe are just manifests of these three forces.Further this Equation uses Force Equation connected to Quantisation and Motion with gravitating nature.Equation r=m=t=angle is helpfull in most of important events of 1D objects including Black hole.

Unification Science is not using Laws of Integration but Laws of infinitesimal Quantisation to account for main Quantisation.This solved the Problem of how entire Galaxy evolved from free space and transforms into antother type of Galaxy and finally transforms as free space.

Without the Knowledge of above events most of the Scientists even supported Radiation pressure as Space expansion.Really free space is not expanding,it appears to expand due to Roational motion associated with Radiation pressure.

If you consider Big bang Technology as valid and as an Ideal Model,then one day it may ruin Human lives to exist on Earth.Therefore wrong Models are not Ideal Models.Scientists ,Techologists and Noble Comittee members should be careful in recognising the valid Models.If not understood approach correct Scientist,He may help you to Formaulate accurate Science correctly.

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