Tuesday, October 11, 2011




                                                                Theoretical Particle astroscientist.


Science which usually bases on observations is systematic study of events and formulation of events.Without the formulation it is a Qualitative science.

During the Period of Kepler and Galileo Galilie and Newton,Science was developped to an extent of 25%.Here I mean that their Equations dominated in explaination to that extent.At that time Their Equations were promising for different events.Here drawbacks of Newtonian Theories are those which were not suitable for Relativistic Phenomena.Further use of joint Cartesian Co-ordinates made Newton to assume Negative quantity as Reaction.This was quite accurate with Spherical Geometries,but posed problems in case of Ellipsoidal shaped objects where this is reflected in Drawbacks arising in different Theories.Further use of negative symbol also suggested apparent nature for real events.This made a Complex number to enter in the field of Mathematics and hence in Science.This abstructed Development of Science as at that time People were not aware of the value of Square root of minus one.Science progressed with these Drawbacks.Making different Theories to suffer and other Branches of Science as more Qualitative.

Thanks to the best nature of Archemedes where he developped Experimental Mechanics.Great Mathematicians like Pythogorous,Euler,Euclid,Laplace,Fourrier,Newton,Demorgan,Demories helped Science to develop this above twenty five percentage.

People at that time was not aware of Microscopic Phenomena.Here what with help of Thomson,Rutherford,Bequerel Science started its initiation int the development of Microscopic Phenomena.But it was needed with Theoretical formulations.

Albert Einstein whose intelligency solved 25% of Thereical problems and hence developped Science to an extent of 50%.His Equations solved the Problem of Energy of Matter and events concerned with Time,Mass.But however he was not aware of the hiding dimension because of use of same co-ordinate to explain event directly with same co-ordinate.This hiding Dimension was Length,therefore it contracted.He would have used Length elongation in dense Bodies instead of Contraction.

Max Planck,whose intelligency soved the problems of 25% of Science and hence developped Science to an extent of 75%.

Intelligent Scientists like Heisenberg,Schrodinger,helped Quantum Mechanics to develop to greater extent.But this was mixed with wrong wave nature of Energy and hence with this Quantum wave mechanics developped.This was the consequence of misleading experimetal choises without the use of perfect Formulations as it is reflected in the works of De’Broglie.

Great Physicists like Maxwell,Abdul salam,Desitter turned a little face of Science with their Unification Laws.

From above you may say that Science developped to an extent of 75%.This is what real with many Drawbacks.This means Development is roughly 45%.

I,Munishkumar.B.Chinnakar who worked since from 1996 to 2011 in different branches of Science Cultivated Science in systematic way.I wrote more than 3600 Theretical Research Papers and built 40 Theoretical Models in Science.Further I built 4 Models of Universe.Model of Universe is now accurately fitting with different Theoretical observations and Experiments.

These My New works use Unification Laws and Direct formulations in 1D(24 or 12 Component Dimensions at a time) and 4D(24 or 12 Component Dimensions at different times) and Modified Formulations with six methods.

My works in Theoretical Science use Special relativistic Particle Quantum Mechanics.There is no single Drawback in any of My Theories.To this there is no opposition in any of My works with verification.This you may understand from MUNISHKUMAR CHINNAKAR’S SITES IN MY SITE OPTION IN GOOGLE OR FROM MUNISHKUMAR CHINNAKAR’S BLOGGERS 1,2,3,4,5,6 IN GOOGLE.

What next already derivations of Main Equations were completed .This suggests that Science is Theoretically Completed.However certain events remain these also use same Equations.

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