Friday, October 7, 2011




                                          Theoretical Particle astroscientist.


Space,according to Laws of Science is purely Physical.There is no objection to this in any of Scientifically explained events.But to Know Universe one sholud belive Physical existence of events.Universe is Physical in nature not Mathematical.This is evident from certain Equations of the type h=n,where h is Planck’s Constant and n is any Mathematical number including fractions ,this is supported by Fractional Quantisation including infinetisimal Quantisation.This Equation suggest that Universe is Physical otherwise Mathematical in Nature.Then what!,whatever existing in Universe is having Physical existence,some are obvious and some are not obvious.

If you think of space at the surfacial level it appears as if it is nothing but it is something not nothing.This some thing is purely energy.An example of this is in night sky space between any two distant galaxies is pure Tachyonic type of Energy. Space for Explaination is one of the basic Dimension out of 4 Vectorial Dimensions(12 action and 12 reaction component Vectors).This Space appears as 4 types of 1D Space and 3 types of 4D space.

Space may be of present,Past and feature type.But these all types of Spaces are within Present time of adinfinite Universe.Note that pure rarermost free space is always in present time.It never cared for any one and for anything,simply interacted and allowed Interactions as if nothing happpened to it.

Space is having a Structure which is clear from My Blogger.It can be equated to Mass,Time,angle,Force,Planck constant,Gravitational Constant,Velocity of Light.But these requires suitable transformation Constants.

Space can be understood using 1D Phenomenon and can be explained using Vectorial 4Dimensions.Albert Einstein’s Equation of Length Contraction was modified by me.Instead of Length Contraction,Length Increment is Considered in case of dense objects.In case of Radiation Space poses Space reaction and reduces the frequency of Radiation.This gives Redshift effect .If space reaction is applied to matter it may shorten its size allowing the Instruments in a Rocket to defunction follwed by Explosion.But to understand below Superspace and real nature of Space one should use Subsuperspace Particles,where this Modified Equation takes direct extension or one may use direct formulation that I built using subsuperspace Scale and seperated Cartesian co-ordinate systems.Here what the reality of space you may face.

Space Particle according to My Theories for Explaination is Space at infintesimal scale of deeper space.Here Space Particle can be understood as infinetisimal type of Tachyonic Particle which is moving with infinite velocity within infintesimal second within a zone of infinetisimal meter.This indicates that free Space particle is basically interactive to free space.

Space of Particle if some one specified then it is usual Diameter of body when body is spherical.If body is Ellipsoidal then you use D/(2x3.142) to recorrect to consider Diameter or use average Diameter.This may be finite or infinity Equivalent.Note that Space within the Universe never be infinity but infinity equivalent.Space of entire infinite Universe is exact infinity.Characteristic Space denotes Absolute value of Diameter of Particle which characterises that Particle.Characterstic Space of adinfinite Universe in every infinite directions is perfect Infinity.

Past Space denotes the Space(either dense or rarer) of event which was already happenned.In reality it is not reversible.At least infinetisimal difference exists between direct and retraced Spaces.

Feature Space which is the Space of event happening in feature.

Certain events helps Scientists to study regarding Space.For example Neutrino Particles,Black hole and rarermost free sapce.

From the above it is clear that Entire Universe is embeded in deeper rarermost free space which is non-existence of nothing.This was proved by me using hundreds of Papers.

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