Saturday, October 8, 2011




                                       Theoretical Particle astroscientist.


Direction or angle,according to Laws of Science is having basic Physical meaning without which Science is Mathematics.There is no objection to this in any of Scientifically explained events.But to Know Universe one sholud belive Physical existence of events.Universe is Physical in nature not Mathematical.This is evident from certain Equations of the type h=n,where h is Planck’s Constant and n is any Mathematical number including fractions ,this is supported by Fractional Quantisation including infinetisimal Quantisation.This Equation suggest that Universe is Physical otherwise Mathematical in Nature.Then what!,whatever existing in Universe is having Physical existence,some are obvious and some are not obvious.

If you think of Direction at the surfacial level you are describing direction of event happening. Direction for Explaination is one of the basic Dimension out of 4 Vectorial Dimensions(12 action and 12 reaction component Vectors).This Direction or angle appears as 4 types of 1D Directions and 3 types of 4D Directions.

Direction of an event may be of present,Past and feature type.But these all types of Directions are within Present time of adinfinite Universe.

Direction is associated with Structure of Body /Particle or event which is clear from My Blogger.It can be equated to Mass,space,angle,Force,Planck constant,Gravitational Constant,Velocity of Light.But these requires suitable transformation Constants.

Direction can be better explained using Vectorial 4Dimensions.Cartesian seperated co-ordinates using Action type of x-component of angle,y-component of angle,z-component of angle build action Direction and reaction components build Reaction direction.Using this you can correctly understand events above Superspace .If you join these Co-ordinates like action and reaction then your event eventhough Vectorial becomes Scalar.An example of this is Ellipsoidal form of Energy is vectorial not Scalar.But to understand below Superspace and real nature of Directions one should use Subsuperspace Particles, one may use direct formulation that I built using subsuperspace Scale and seperated Cartesian co-ordinate systems.Here what the reality of Direction you may face.


Direction of Particle if some one specified then it is usual Direction of orientation of Maximum Polarisation arround the Particle.This may be finite or infinity Equivalent.Note that Direction within the Universe may be infinity or infinity equivalent.

Past Direction denotes the direction of event which was already happenned.In reality it is not reversible.At least infinetisimal difference exists between direct and retraced Directions.

Feature Direction which is the Direction of event happening in feature.

Certain events helps Scientists to study regarding Direction.For example Proton,Neutron ,Ellipsoidal Particles/bodies,Black hole.In case of Black hole to account for equilibrium nature of rest where it appears as if it is a scalr object,but requires equilibrium Vectotrs for the explaination of astrophysical object like Black hole.

Note that Direction played important role in hiding dimensions where most of the Scientists suffered from hidden Diemensions.This is obvious in the description of resting Ellipsoidal Body,where its Energy instead of Scalr becomes Vector.

Note that instead of considering Scalar nature of Spherical shaped energy,one should consider equilibrium type of Vector instead of Scalar.

For further clarification regarding Directions Read Munishkumar Chinnakar’s Bloggers in Google.

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