Friday, September 17, 2010


                                                              Theoretical particle astroscientist.
       Human being,one of Aggregation of Complex mixtures of complex compounds,in ancient times afrided because of Circumstences, blindly believed in the existence of Super natural Powers.The Main reason for this is lack of Scientific Knowledge.He/She  gave his/her own Shapes for such a Super natural Powers.
       Some Folk because of their Extreme Love with their Parents,after their Death called them as God and Godess.
       Biological activities of Trees and Monkies made poor Sages to confuse events.This Confusion lead as Blind belief.Rarer medium of Caves refracted Stellar light and gave wonderful Configuration for thinking of Sages.He/She thought it as a Kind of Knowledge and pearched the same.Stories began with effect of Diffractions and Refractions.He/She also undergone in thinking as if Super powers existing.
       Some Areas gave Refraction,Diffraction,Dispersion effects,Looming effects and Mirage effects,without knowing the Scientific reasons,People gave the shape for the existence of Super Natural Powers.Effect of Sun's gravity for every 4000 years also supported this Blind beliefs.
       Of course Human beings lead a Peaceful life with such a cultivation and progresses in cultivation of Blind beliefs,but they misleaded themselves and decieved from nature of learning Science.The Fruit of this Blind belief was not so reflected in mass upto year A.C 2000.
       But when Miniaturation started distance of thinking was reduced,He/She felt the effect of Blind belief.Such a blind belief now is a Curse for Human kind. 
     Some Technologists,and some People without understanding the Feature effects,increased Metascientific events in Communications because of their Stomachs.Such types of Effects were increased due to synchronised thinking via Memory cards in Cellular Mobile Phones.Any person who uses such type of effected Instruments tried His/Her level best to safe gaurd His/Her own Body,further He/She thought of Hazards as due to other Instruments even though they are not producing any Hazards.Nothing is more than Value of own life for a Human being.
       For their Good satisfication one can lead whatever be the type of Life.But it should be according to Constitutional Laws.In feature over Development in Technology may increase Sexual activities.In general there is no Solution for this .Only for individuals Solution is Correct scientific Knowledge.This scientific Knowledge keeps a person to live a Life without any Blind beliefs.If He/She knows laws of Science then He /She will not act like any Supernatural Powers.
       Always Science struggles with Metascience.But during 2006 Science won its own way,further it was ended all its Problems during 2010.Their is no Scope for Metascientific events.If you give Scope for Metascientific events that may a Reason for an earlier End of your own Life because of Signal Hazards which are due to Non-systematic nature.   

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