Saturday, September 17, 2011




Theoretical Particle astroscientist.



Since from Thousands of Years Science developped based on Experimental Observations using Mathematics as Language.Here upto Einstein’s Period Most of the Theories were Experimental Theories.Einstein without the Knowledge of Deeper Subsuperspace developped his Postulations based Theories.Within them some Direct Equations suited with Reality and some other deviated and coincided with Experimental observations.As his Equation E=mC^2 valid above superspace,most of the individual events like Energy of Matter,Energy of Radiation solved different Problems of different events.But Einstein was not aware of the fact that space is the time at infinitesimal space point.Further use of Component Dimensions as Main Vectorial Dimensions misleaded his Theories.Thus general relativity faced less Importance than Special Relativity.Of course Mass variation and Time dialation are true events but he misused Length Contraction Hypotheisis which in reality is the real increment in Length.Here he applied self suppression for Length while measuring Length using Length Co-ordinates.Actually He would have used Time or Mass Co-ordinate to solve the Problem of Variation of Length.Without Noticing this even Present Scientists and Technologists build Instruments,for Example in Rocket Design with space reaction.If they consider Computer Programming with Length Contraction,which does not face Reality in Motion of Rocket.The result of this is defunction of Programmes and hence Computers and connected Device.This may some times Heats the Instruments inside the Rocket and may cause an Explosion.Technologists should be careful in using such type of wrong Length Contraction Phenomenon in Nuclear Reactors and connected Computer Programmings.further don’t use General relativity in any of Space Programmes as this faces many Drawbacks.

Next Max Planck also gave Important Results but gave Quantisation of Energy instead of Frequency.This made different Scientists to use EM starting frequency from nearly zero Hz.But actually from My Theories EM frequency starts from 3Hz and ends 0.1509 x 10^34Hz in a Galaxy or ends at 6.2 x 10^92Hz in Universe.In Max Planck Theory Photon is not divisible.But in My Theory Photon is divisible into Gravitons.While writing Programmes connected with Rockets or Nuclear reactors one should use above said values instead of old values.

Most of medivial and present Nuclear Physicists developped Nuclear Physics in such a fashion that they considers Nucleons as rotating one arround the another in Nucleus.According to My Theories they are not revolving arround one another.Further from My Theories Spin magnetic moment of Nucleon is due to Tremour effect and not due to its Roation.But they considers as due to Rotation.If this is programmed as such then there may be danger to Computers facing reality in Nuclear Reactors.

Most of medivial and present Atomic Physicists developped Atomic Physics in such a fashion that they considers Electrons as rotating arround the Nucleus.According to My Theories they are not revolving arround Nucleus.Further from My Theories Spin magnetic moment of Atom is due to Tremour effect and not due to its Roation.But they considers as due to Rotation.If this is programmed as such then there may be danger to Computers facing reality in Laboratories.

Both these types of Scientist uses Radius of Particle with its Polarisation field as Radius of Particle.This made their Theories to suffer from Drawbacks.Further this made their Science not to progress.But I used accurate and absolute values of Radius for different Elemenatry Particles and developped most of the part of Physics.

In considering Nature of Energy,according to My Theories free space is th basic Energy form i,e in the form of Tachyonic type of Particles.This Energy averages over as Constant velocity field with Velocity C.But most of Scientist even present thinks that Velocity of Light as ultimate Velocity.In space Programmes they should correct their Programmes with usefull references.

Next during these lapsed 100 years most of Scientists developped Quantum Wave Mechanics and called it as Physics.But actually according to My Theories Quantum wave Mechanics is purely Mathematical in Nature.This is because Wave nature is dominating only at low velocities not at light speed.At velocity C Nature is perfectly Particle and even Particle nature above C.Matterwaves which are generated due to wrong comparision of Matter with Radiation and Matter with Tachyonic type of Radiation are not existing.Therefore do not use them in Computer Programmings.

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